用途 | Application |
主要(yao)用(yong)(yong)于(yu)船用(yong)(yong)電信(xin),電子計算機,信(xin)息處理(li)設備中的信(xin)號傳輸和控制系(xi)統 | The cable are interded for telecommunication, telecommunication, computer and information procedding unit of shipboard and control system. |
型號 Type | 名(ming)稱 Description | 產(chan)品(pin)標準 Standard |
CHEF/NA | 乙丙絕緣氯丁護套船用對稱式通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation PCP sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | IEC60092-350 IEC60092-376 IEC60331 IEC60332-3A |
CHEF80/NA | 乙丙(bing)絕緣氯丁內護套(tao)鍍(du)錫銅(tong)絲編織鎧裝船用(yong)對稱式通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation PCP inner sheath tinned copper wire braided shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEF90/NA | 乙丙絕(jue)緣氯丁(ding)內護套鍍鋅鋼絲編織鎧裝船(chuan)用(yong)對稱(cheng)式(shi)通信電纜(lan),NA型 EPR insulation PCP inner sheath galvanized steel wire braided shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEF82/NA | 乙丙絕緣氯丁內護套鍍錫銅(tong)絲編織鎧裝聚(ju)氯乙烯(xi)外護套船用對稱式通信(xin)電纜,NA型 EPR insulation PCP inner sheath tinned copper wire braided PVC outer sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEF92/NA | 乙(yi)丙絕緣氯(lv)丁內護套鍍鋅(xin)鋼絲編織鎧裝(zhuang)聚氯(lv)乙(yi)烯外(wai)護套船用(yong)對稱式通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation PCP inner sheath galvanized steel wire braided PVC outer sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEFP/NA | 乙丙絕緣(yuan)鍍(du)錫銅(tong)絲編織獨立屏蔽氯丁(ding)護套(tao)船(chuan)用對稱(cheng)式(shi)通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation tinned copper wire braided individual screen PCP sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEFP80/NA | 乙丙絕緣鍍錫銅絲編(bian)織(zhi)獨(du)立屏(ping)蔽氯丁(ding)內護套鍍錫銅絲編(bian)織(zhi)鎧裝船用對稱(cheng)式通(tong)信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation tinned copper wire braided individual screen PCP inner sheath tinned copper wire braided shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEFP90/NA | 乙丙絕緣鍍(du)錫銅絲(si)編織獨立屏蔽(bi)氯丁內(nei)護套鍍(du)鋅鋼絲(si)編織鎧裝船用對稱式(shi)通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation tinned copper wire braided individual screen PCP inner sheath galvanized steel wire braided shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEFP82/NA | 乙(yi)丙絕緣鍍錫銅絲(si)編織獨(du)立(li)屏蔽氯(lv)丁(ding)內護(hu)套鍍錫銅絲(si)編織鎧裝聚氯(lv)乙(yi)烯(xi)外護(hu)套船用對稱式通信電纜,NA型 EPR insulation tinned copper wire braided individual screen PCP inner sheath tinned copper wire braided PVC outer sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA | |
CHEFP92/NA | 乙丙絕緣鍍錫銅絲編織獨立屏蔽氯丁內護套(tao)鍍鋅鋼(gang)絲編織鎧裝聚氯乙烯(xi)外護套(tao)船用對稱式通信(xin)電纜,NA型(xing) EPR insulation tinned copper wire braided individual screen PCP inner sheath galvanized steel wire braided PVC outer sheath shipboard symmetrical communication cable ,Type NA |
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